A Satirical Depiction Of The Despisal Of Our Dystopian Society nonetheless presents a gripping and vivid description of our societal decay.
Of interest is its Orwellian take on the emerging revolution which is now, almost inevitable. God help us all, as we seem to have now inadvertently crossed the proverbial rubicon. Indeed, may God help us all.
When humans refuse to consider the sobriety in our voice, they feast on us. We too will rise and fight! -George Orwell
The day they announced had finally come, it was five months after they had had their first meeting of the year. They gathered in one accord, under one gigantic dome. A very large building which they had all pulled resources to erect, and six years, it took them.
Asides that, they voluntarily contributed their manpower in the area of construction. For the sake of an alliance to which they had pledged secrecy.
No one would be privy to their plans, except those who were ready to join in their movement, the likes of the four-limbed creatures – cows, goats, rams and pigs -those whose fate were synonymous to theirs. But before any acceptance, they must donate their quota and vouch for the safety of others.
Alas, here comes the first meeting after the completion of the hall, slated for the 23rd of December according to their yearly schedule. This date was chosen because of the mass casualty they usually experience every year on the 25th of December till the beginning of the new year.

They had chosen this day purposely, to look at one another’s face as torrent grief lurks around it or perhaps for the last time, to find a way to pacify the god that drives the surge in this harrowing and terrible judgment.
However, it was obvious that Babbara, – the large, terrible looking hen, with a distinct pink coloured comb, who happened to be the leader of the ‘rebellion’ association, has got a few scores to settle.
She had once mentioned how she flew on a passerby little girl and peck her eyes deeply, how she flew angrily on a young boy who was sent to grind a bowl of pepper, spilling the pepper on the ground as the boy ran, and also, how she dabbled in-between an aged woman’s legs and made her fall face down.
Babbara is a great hero and founding member of the association.
A Satirical Depiction of the Despisal of our Dystopian Society
The hall had been fully occupied by the members; the first column for the cows, the second column for the ram and goats, due to their close relation and a third column for the hens, who were the founding members. There were four seats on the podium, the seats facing the crowd.
The following attendees had a seat at the ‘high table’: Babbara, who was also known as ‘Rebel‘, Danjum, the largest cow in the house, who was also known as ‘striker’ – a name coined from his striking proficiency, the Jaguar, the long-bearded ram and Picco the Pig.
They commenced the meeting with a one-minute silence for their fallen soldiers, which included innocent, unborn ones. Babbara’s wife was dragged away three days before the day of the meeting, as well as some male goats, rams, pigs and cows. And before this minute, slipped out. They all moaned, mourned and shed tears.
Babbara plucked a feather from her body with her peak to clean her face, her two limbs trembled as she walked closer to the seated attendees. She heaved a loud sigh, and afterwards, shouted their slogan: ‘rebellious ones!” And others responded with a loud cry, “we deserve long life too!”- this was repeated a few times.
She continued, ‘’Dear comrades, I want to start by appreciating our oneness, courage and consistency towards this freedom movement, you have all done well. My deep condolences go to the Ram and Goat family who lost several comrades into the hand of predators when the so-called Muslims were celebrating their New year (Muharram), the prophet Muhammad’s birthday (Mawlid al-Nabi) and Ramadan celebration (Eid al-Fitr). May comfort never depart your clan.
Likewise, my condolence goes to the Cow Clan”, he faced Danjum and bowed his peak. “I heard how they butchered your kinsmen, how they spread them on tables in their own blood in every town, my sadness knew no bound when I heard how they feasted on your kinsmen on their wedding days. Vile creatures!” – Danjum was already sobbing.
To the Pig Clan too, my condolence to you is very hearty.
I was astounded when Picco told me they have turned their killing eyes on your clan too, that every day your clan is experiencing extreme and increasing mortality rate. Do not fret, we are one.
And to my clan, my kinsmen- here is my undiluted condolence to us for our loss. Though we already know, that in time like this we usually suffer the death of loved ones from every angle. A situation that begs urgent intervention. Otherwise, we become closer and closer to extinction. I know some of you do not believe that extinction can come about.
But, remember dinosaurs once existed, likewise Dodo, Woolly Mammoth, West African Black Rhinoceros, Baiji White Dolphin, Pyrenean Ibex, Passenger Pigeon among others, once existed”.
A Satirical Depiction of the Despisal of our Dystopian Society
“Thank you, Babbara” they all echoed. While she bowed her head like a servant will do to his master. She continued, ‘’I and the other elders have resolved on the strategy to be used, and of the myriads of strategies that we discussed we have eventually chosen one; which is ‘positive attack’ or ‘positive resilience’.
‘’What is that about?” One of the youngest of the cow’s clan asked. Babbara replied “Em…, Danjum snapped in “have I not told you about Mahatma Gandhi?”, the calf showed signs of remembrance and quickly resumed his seat.
Barbara continued, ‘’So why did we choose the Gandhi way over other ideas? Obviously, because it does not have bloodshed in it. Remember, we have lost so many soldiers and me, personally cannot afford to sacrifice more, these creatures that we’re facing are brutal and do not care.
They are configured to kill, butcher and feast on us. Meanwhile, many of them cannot face a lion or tiger, any of the wild ones. It’s saddening that, these bunch of vagabonds are only against us who decided long ago to be their friends’’.
Suddenly, a sudden noise of several shuffling legs loomed into the hall, the shiver of fear grabbed all of them.
Barbbara stood gallantly like a warrior. Cows, rams and goat had set their horns while pigs took a couple of steps backwards, ready to attack whoever the opponent might be. As the sounds of the rushing limbs grew louder, many whines, resounding growling and barking.
Babbara releases his guard a little, yet the tremor could be noted in his trembling feet. He had fought with Lido, the dog lord, whose fangs and clasp no one can escape.
The injury she got from their last fight was just healed. They were all in their combat stance when Lico and his kinsmen entered. He ordered his kinsmen to wait behind, he walked up to the podium and greeted all the leaders warmly.
All the elders’ lips slipped down their face, they wondered if it was the same arrogant maverick they had known. Babbara couldn’t cast off his eyes from Lico, so he asked, Lico, what brings you here?”
Lico whined and shook his tail, then answered, “I am here to join the movement!”
Lico’s kinsmen whined and barked in unison as they wriggled their tails non-stop. “We are facing this together!” He exclaimed.
Joy caught through Babbara’s face, and the other clans. It was indeed a welcome development for them. Dog’s clan too, had joined the revolution! Their joy was boundless, they settled their internal squabbles and moved on.
Danjum announced the day they would kick off the movement and that indicated the end of a successful meeting. There and then, a revolution began! The rebellious ones have had enough!`
A Satirical Depiction of the Despisal of our Dystopian Society