Former US President, Jimmy Carter,95 Hospitalized

US 39th President Recuperating at the Hospital

Former US President, Jimmy Carter,95 Hospitalized

September 18, 2018, Ex-President Jimmy Carter during the Annual Town Hall meeting with Emory University Freshman at the University Gym in Atlanta. (Credit – Associated Press).

Former U.S. President Jimmy Carter, 95, was hospitalized on Monday evening for a procedure to relieve pressure on his brain, caused by bleeding due to his recent falls, his spokeswoman said.

In the past ten months, it is understood that ex-president Carter has fallen more than four times, with a recent fall leading to both a hip replacement surgery and stitches above the left eye.

Due to his old age, ex-president Carter has had his own share of failing health. In 2015, he was diagnosed with cancer but eventually survived. He is currently clear of cancer.

Despite his failing health, ex-president Carter has remained active. He participated in the project for Habitat for Humanity. It should also be noted that he still teaches Sunday School at the Maranatha Baptist Church in Plains, Georgia.

The pastor of ex-president Carter church, Rev. Tony Lowden called for prayers for him and referred to the day he was hospitalized as ‘a rough day’.

He is ably supported by his loving wife, Rosalynn, and he is reported to be resting and recuperating.

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