John Bercow Poised to Star as Pundit for the Sky News

John Bercow Poised to Star as Pundit for the Sky News

John Bercow Poised to Star as Pundit for the Sky News

John Bercow Credit - Sky News

John Bercow poised to star as pundit for the Sky News. The former Speaker of the UK House of Commons, who resigned his position on the 31st of October, 2019 is poised to star for the Sky News as a Pundit on the election night.

At the recently concluded Political Studies Association Award Night, the former House of Commons Speaker gave a subtle indication about his near future role when he said “Put it this way, I will be up all night and busy.”

It should be noted that some Noble Lords are already muttering that the former Speaker and Member of Parliament for Buckingham from 1997 to 2019 should be ennobled and admitted into the House of Lords. He is not short of options following his retirement from the UK Parliament.

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