Nasa in pursuit of life on Mars. National Aeronautics Space Administration, NASA is reported to be in the quest for life on Mars.
The Los Angeles Times reports that NASA is planning a return mission to Mars in early 2021.
This is a follow-up development to the direction Vice President Pence gave to NASA in May 2019 to institute a program that would facilitate the return to space in search of life after a protracted long absence of such program.
President Trump also requested Congress, in his State of the Union address, to fund the Artemis Program.
The President in his budget request said: “NASA’s top-priority mission is to return American astronauts to the Moon by 2024 and build a sustainable presence on the lunar surface as the first step on a journey that will take America to Mars,” Trump’s budget request states.”
NASA In Pursuit Of Life On Mars
It should be noted that the United States of America remains the only country in the world to have successfully landed a space mission on the Moon, referencing the 1974 Moon landing.
The report indicates that NASA requested $25.2 billion to facilitate the sending of astronauts to the moon by 2024.
Out of this sum, about $12.3bn will be spent on the Artemis Program while about $3.37bn will be spent on enhancing the Human Landing System.
About $100 billion is expected to be spent on the 2024 plan.
NASA In Pursuit Of Life On Mars