Release The Russian Influence Report, PM Told

Pressure Mounts From Tory Grandee and Former Minister

Release The Russian Influence Report, PM Told

Release The Russian Influence Report, PM Told

Release the Russian Influence Report, PM told. The Prime Minister of the United Kingdom, Boris Johnson has been urged to release the UK Parliamentary’s Intelligence and Security Committee Report on the alleged Russian Influence in British politics, ahead of the December 12 election.

The call was made by a Tory Grandee, and a former Foreign Secretary, Sir Malcolm Rifkind while fielding questions on the BBC Radio 4’s Today Programme. He argued that “When you have a report on whether there has been Russian interference in our elections, in our domestic politics, and we have a general election coming up-which means that the Intelligence and Security Committee is dissolved as Parliament is dissolved-then Hillary Clinton is entirely correct, it’s an absurd position that No. 10 Downing Street have put themselves in.”

It should be noted that Hillary Clinton, the former US Secretary of State, on Tuesday the 12th of November, 2019 criticised the government’s reluctance to release the report as “shameful and inexplicable.” He doubted if the government have a legitimate reason for withholding the report as the Prime Minister would have conveyed such reason to the Chair of the Intelligence and Security Committee under the Privy Council terms, guaranteeing the confidentiality, and this appears not to be the case.

Dominic Grieve, the former Attorney General who shared the Intelligence and Security Committee in the recently dissolved parliament dismissed the government’s explanation concerning the report.

Cabinet Minister, Rishi Sunak argued that the report is undergoing normal procedural steps which would lead to the release of the report and that the report will be released in due course. He stated on Tuesday that “You just can’t release a report that contains sensitive information which could impact our national security.” He further argued that “it is normal that report like this go through a period of vetting which does take several weeks to make sure that only safe report is released and where necessary, sensitive information is redacted.”

The Electoral Commission has stated that the Security Services have not informed them of foreign compromise of our electoral system while urging the government to bring in legislation that would prevent foreign powers from being able to influence elections in the United Kingdom.

The report is not believed to contain evidence that may be damaging to the government of the United Kingdom.

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