Six Ways To Encourage Yourself During Tough Times enumerates six ways to encourage yourself during tough times. There is no life that is immune to life’s vicissitudes, hence the relevance of this subject matter.
‘Courage is resistance to fear, mastery of fear, not absence of fear.’
– Mark Twain
Everyone faces tough times at some point in their life. However, only those that know how to encourage themselves at such times ever make it through successfully.

Photo Credit : Morganable
While having a support system during such a time is essential, knowing how to encourage yourself during tough times is not only an added advantage, it lies at the centre of humanity’s response to uncertainty and calamity.
So much is happening in the world today.
For example, the ravaging impact of the coronavirus is still fresh and on-going, and as a result, the global economy is in turmoil with people losing their jobs and loved ones.
Antisocial vices such as rape, corruption, racism and terrorism are on the increase in most countries of the world.
All these issues only point out the need for self-encouragement.
Putting Courage into Context
Brian is an incredibly smart, strong, and confident individual.
With a decade of tenure at his company, a robust staff with the experience and knowledge to substantiate his value to the organization, Brian seemingly had nothing to fear.
He was next in line for the executive suite.
On the outside looking in, you would assume that Brian was completely confident. He knew how to create a polished exterior that projected self-assurance and stability.
Brian and I worked down the hall from each other. It never occurred to me to ask him if he ever wrestled with fear until the day he was handed the pink slip and ushered out of the door. No one, I mean no one, saw that coming.
Six Ways To Encourage Yourself During Tough Times
In a struggling economy, the company he was loyal to, could not be loyal to him.
Over lunch a few weeks later, I probed a bit: “Did you see this coming?” His response was casual but measured: “I always feared it could happen. Not because I wasn’t performing but because I’ve always lived with a fear that I’m not enough.
I’ve always had an underlying fear that someday I wouldn’t be enough. I would make one too many mistakes.
I’d miss an important detail. But I didn’t expect to be dismissed this way. It makes me question, why wasn’t I valuable enough to keep?”
Brian’s fears and questions are significant. They represent an underlying tension that challenges our clout every day. Am I enough?
The question is overwhelming because of the numerous fears that underlie it.
Our fears are so diverse and so extreme that we’re more apt to avoid and ignore them rather than acknowledge that they’re there.
Fear is the Front-Runner of the Clout Killers.
As we begin to unpack these inhibitors to our confidence and influence, we’ll see a consistent theme of fear. Fear tends to coerce its tentacles into all our issues.
We fear that who we are is not enough, so we deal with jealousy. We fear not having enough, so we live out of scarcity. We fear not being good enough, so we live with insecurity.

Photo Credit : Olayemi O. Agboola
We fear not being strong enough, so we cover it up with pride. We fear not measuring up to others, so we wrestle with the comparison.
We fear chaos, so we grapple for control. This fear that we can’t handle it, that we’re not enough, rings true in each of these enemies that impact our influence.
What we’ll discover is that our greatest fear is true, but there is an even greater truth to replace it.
How to Encourage Yourself During Tough Times
Like I said earlier, during tough times, having a support system is important.
Such a support group could consist of your family, close friends and religious group.
It could also include platforms that provide encouragement, inspiration and motivation.
Six Ways To Encourage Yourself During Tough Times
So, let’s take a look at six ways to encourage yourself during tough times.
- Pray:
While you may not necessarily be a religious person, prayer is one of the best things to do when things get difficult.
Besides its spiritual benefits, prayer provides an outlet for expression and release of anxiety.
When we pray, we acknowledge that there is a greater being that can help, guide and bring us through our difficult situation.
2. Read or Listen to Encouraging Quotes or Scriptures:
Reading and listening to inspiring messages, quotes and scriptures that apply to your situation can also help one deal with tough times.
In fact, the more you listen to such encouraging materials, the more settled you will become.
3. Speak Life, not death:
No one has the power to change your circumstances the way you can.
When you speak life and hope into those seemingly tough situations, you will see them start to turn around.
Speaking what you want to see happen will also help change your perspective, fill you with hope and the possibility of better days ahead.
4. Be your own Best friend:
While it helps to have friends, the truth is that you don’t really need anyone to make you feel great.
Instead, finding yourself and being happy with who you are, is a good way to encourage yourself.
One great way to do this by speaking positive things to yourself, much like you would to someone else who needs encouragement.
5. Be Grateful:
One of the hardest things to do in tough times is to be grateful.
No matter what you’re going through right now, be grateful for who and where you are and for what you have.
This will help you pull through your difficult situation while keeping a positive attitude.
6. Choose the right Environment:
When things are difficult, it’s important to carefully choose the types of people you hang out with.
The right people will help you through those difficult times. On the other hand, the wrong people will boost your negativity and make things more difficult for you.
Regardless of what tough times you may be going through, do not give up. I encourage you not to lose hope but rather remain persistent.
Whatever you’re going through, have faith that it will not be your end but that you will see its end.
Six Ways To Encourage Yourself During Tough Times