The best step guide to refreshing your wardrobe is one of the best makeshift fashion hacks to revitalize and refresh your wardrobe.
The new year is a breath of fresh air ushering in every sense of refreshment to our mind, body and soul which ultimately reflects in every aspect of our lives.
It is a perfect time to do things better and set clear goals.

There are tons of do-it-yourself fashion hacks and wardrobe edit that are out there but one of the best makeshift ways that can help you get it together nicely is a wardrobe refresh.
A Wardrobe refresh is one of the best ways to clean out and edit your wardrobe to reflect your current style.
A wardrobe refresh is a service that helps you revitalize your style by incorporating strategic updates into your existing wardrobe.
The Best Step Guide To Refreshing Your Wardrobe
Each year, I challenge myself to do a new thing, something that is a bit different from whatΒ I am used to.
One of the goals that I set for myself this year is to refresh my wardrobe.
I figured that I splurge so much on fashionable items that I barely have time to clean or take care of them.
For this year, I got into routine cleaning and revamping my wardrobe, first because my style changes and I need my wardrobe to reflect my current style changes .
Secondly it is important to keep all my fashionable pieces in great condition that can last for years.
Over time our style do go through changes and there quiet a number of fashionable pieces that does not resonate with your current style taste.
Refreshing your wardrobe can help you to visualize things differently and have an entirely different approach to your fashionable pieces making them feel brand new again.
Here are five quick fixes to refresh your wardrobe:
Clean out your wardrobe : the general rule of cleaning your wardrobe is to start out on a clean slate.
Clean out your wardrobe as much as you can, give out clothes that you have not worn for so long as you do not need them hanging in your wardrobe.
The Best Step Guide To Refreshing Your Wardrobe
Contrary to opinion, some people assume that cleaning out your wardrobe means making room for new purchases, this is not true.
It is just a kind act to take care of your fashionable pieces and putting in few changes to mirror your current style.
Take out your fashionable pieces that needs cleaning and get them clean: it is very important to take time to clean all of your accessories, jewelry, sunglasses, bags, shoe and every other thing that needs cleaning.
Do not hold on to anything you are using, this will help you to maintain and keep them in great condition.
The Best Step Guide To Refreshing Your Wardrobe
Replace the old with the new: a lot of us have invested in new fashionable pieces over time and have not put them to use.
It is time take out the old to replace with the new and out them to good use.
Take out the empty bottles of makeup kit, perfumes, detach label tags from your clothes
Re-arrange your wardrobe: one of the ways to mirror the state of your current fashion trend is to re-arrange your wardrobe.
The Best Step Guide To Refreshing Your Wardrobe
This can take time, it is not to be done hurriedly.
I suggest that you assign time to it by taking time out of your busy schedule to re-arrange and your wardrobe. Depending on your schedule you can commit to it monthly or quarterly.
Commit to it and ensure that your wardrobe is in order and your fashionable pieces are well taken care of.
It is very important to declutter and purge out the items you no longer need as this will give you a clear perspective on how to make the most of your fashionable pieces and appreciate them more to reflect your current style.
Donate: some of us buy and hoard things that we forget we have them. Truth is, you do not need clothes, jewelry, make up kits and other fashionable pieces that have stayed over a year in your wardrobe and you have not worn.
It is best to donate to people who can put them to good use.
Make it a constant practice: inasmuch as there are a number of makeshift fixes to refresh your wardrobe, I believe you can leverage on wardrobe cleanout.
It is quiet transformative and what is even more fascinating about it is for the fact that it is based on intention.
You do not have to wait till it is a new year to be intentional about it, make it constant practice.
The Best Step Guide To Refreshing Your Wardrobe