Welcome to Our New Normal – A Repositioned Morganable News

Morganable: In Pursuit of Result-Oriented Strategy

Welcome to Our New Normal - A Repositioned Morganable News

Morganable Media Logo Credit - Morganable

I would like to welcome you to our new normal—a repositioned  Morganable News. Morganable News is now repositioned to focus on blogging and news delivery.

Morganable will be a blogging and news platform in the future.

This is our new standard in the future.

This paradigm shift in our news outlook and editorial approach is premised on the need to adopt a minimalist stance toward disseminating news rather than the generalist approach we have adopted in the past.

Suffice it to say that the need to restructure our news output is primarily based on the feedback we received from our audience. 

Most prefer blogging, vblogging and reality-related news to politics and entertainment news. 

While news will be our primary focus, we will also cater to other forms of news interest, such as lifestyle, sports motivation, book reviews, and travel. 

The significance of our paradigm shift to focus on the dissemination of predominantly news attests to the prime importance that we place on the economy’s role in shaping and reshaping the dynamics of any society and the entire global village. 

As we can all attest, the importance of disseminating balanced, effective, and valuable news and analysis to the overall growth of the local and global economy cannot be overemphasised.

Before restructuring our business strategy, we gave equal thematic weights to news focal areas such as politics, business, entertainment, lifestyle, science and technology, opinion, and book reviews. 

This was our strategic approach for two and a half years.

However, following a series of severe consultations and in-house reviews of our strategies, we have decided to streamline our reporting to focus primarily on disseminating Business News. 

We will now focus on economics & markets, jobs & money, entrepreneurship, spotlights, crypto MB, opinions, and lifestyle.

Under the economics & markets menu, the emphasis will be on markets, industries, currencies, specific-sector analysis, and creating a platform for people to obtain economic data through us. 

This section will analyse and provide insights rather than regurgitate extant information. 

We will seek to achieve the ‘why’ instead of the ‘what’ underpinning the selected business issue.

The Jobs & Money section focuses on personal finance, jobs, tax matters, fintech, and climate change. We will eventually add a job section for job search purposes. 

The entrepreneurship section provides valuable insights and technical information entrepreneurs need to start and thrive in their business journeys. It covers beginning a business, eCommerce, financial literacy, and upcoming events.

The spotlight section is the ultimate symbol of the restructuring exercise. It focuses on using audio-visuals to disseminate helpful information to our targeted audience.

Under the spotlight section, the workers’ chronicle will present an average worker’s day-to-day challenges and relative success stories. 

The profile watch will highlight individuals who have distinguished themselves in business and entrepreneurship.

The middle-class experience section focuses on the middle class’s life experience, challenges, and success stories. 

Also, we have the ‘We the People’ section under this section. This is our People’s Parliament section, where the commoners voice their opinions about what is happening within society.








Additional emphasis will now be placed on the significance of the opinion section, where the Executive Editor asserts the newspaper’s stance on issues of national and global significance.

The op-eds section is also created under the opinion section to provide a platform for invited individuals with the required expertise to weigh in on salient issues. 

This will ensure that not all editorial assertions emanate solely from the hierarchy of the newspaper’s editorial mechanism or reflect our editorial sentiments.

In our new outlook, emphasis will also be given to the emerging alternative form of financing, in this case, cryptocurrency. 

This section will provide an insightful analysis of cryptocurrency’s viability, impact on the existing financial system, defiance of systemic controls, and future of the entire cryptocurrency ecosystem.

Objectivity and competent reporting will be our watchwords when disseminating cryptocurrency-related information.

Lastly, the lifestyle section will comprise articles on fashion, travel and motivation, sports, and book reviews.

By implication, eighty percent (80%) of our reporting will now focus on news, while the remaining twenty percent (20%) will focus on lifestyle, fashion, motivation, travel, sport, and trending general news coverage. 

This will enable Morganable to focus on delivering high-level content that meets the needs of our targeted and wider audiences while building brand loyalty.

A supporting analytic web platform dedicated to analytics and consultancy is also coming. 

This will enable us to, through experience, provide our expertise to support corporate organisations of all levels to obtain the data and information they need to make informed corporate decisions. 

By pursuing this restructuring, we hope that our high-quality content will satisfy the curiosity and information needs of a streamlined audience, in this instance, those interested in news. 

As a ricochet effect, we hope our new audience’s core demonstrates loyalty to our brand.

We expect our new outlook to effectively facilitate a more profound demonstration of competence, which will, in turn, reinforce our expertise in disseminating business-related information and analytics.

We shall unveil additional team members to build our talented crop of writers, analysts, and editorial team.

We look forward to continuing to partner with our growing audience as we embark on this journey of redefining how business news is disseminated.

Thanks for your support, and I wish you a great week.

Executive Editor

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