I CAN: The Importance of Choosing the Right Attitude

Emphasizing the Importance of the Right Attitudes and Outlooks

I Can or I Can't Photo Credit : @gettyimages

I CAN: The Importance of Choosing the Right Attitude explores the differences between I Can and I can’t and how we can stick to the high road of emotional stability.

The difference between can and cannot are only three letters and these three letters are capable of determining your life’s direction.

What do you say to yourself, when you need to decide or take action?

Do you have enough self-esteem, self-confidence, and inner resolve to say, “I can”?

Or maybe you lack self-confidence and inner strength, feel too lazy, or are afraid to do new things, and therefore, you say, “I cannot”?

I CAN: The Importance of Choosing the Right Attitude

Do you know that with a little inner strength and willingness to be adventurous, you can say “I can”, and dare to do new things?

“I cannot” leaves you where you are and you live the same life day after day.

You Can Do It Credit - Discount Dance
You Can Do It                                           Credit – Discount Dance

Saying “I can”, opens new doors and new opportunities for you. These words take you in a different direction from the people who say, “I cannot”.

When you say “I can”, you tell yourself that you have faith in yourself.

That you are willing to take action, handle things, take responsibility, and learn new things such as learning a foreign language.

It also implies you being nice to someone and yourself, fixing something, enrolling undertaking and graduating from college, learning a new skill, working on a certain job, and handling a certain situation, among others.

I CAN: The Importance of Choosing the Right Attitude

Making the Right Choice

Saying “I can”, means that you take responsibility for your life, while saying “I can’t”, or “I cannot”, means giving up without trying.

You can always choose one of these two alternatives. It’s like standing at a crossroads choosing which way to go.

One way leads to action and achievement, and the other non-action and no progress.

As said at the beginning of the article, the difference between the words can and cannot are only three letters, but they determine where you will go and where you will arrive.

So, what do you choose?

What’s stopping you from saying “I can”, fear, habit, lack of self-confidence or laziness?

Why not start with simple things, telling yourself that you can:

  • Start going to the gym.
  • Get up a little earlier in the morning.
  • Be a little kinder with people.
  • Smile more often.
  • Seat for that professional examination and pass.

At least once a day, say “I can” and mean it, about something that you face in your daily life, instead of saying “I can’t”.


After a while, you will be able to tackle greater things, because you’ve learnt to tell yourself “I can”.

However, strengthening your willpower and your self-discipline, makes it easier to say “I can”.

I CAN: The Importance of Choosing the Right Attitude

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